Camloto — Video Chat Rules

Video Chat Rules

  1. It is strictly prohibited to show disrespect towards other video chat users. The following actions are forbidden:
    • Engaging in rude or vulgar language, posting hostile and disruptive messages that may harm or abuse other users, including messages of a sexual nature.
    • Behaving in a discriminatory manner towards other users based on their nationality, race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, etc.
    • Making threats or hurling insults at your conversation partners.
    • Using third-party software (extensions, plugins, bots, programs, etc.) to alter the service's functionality, harm other users, or violate their rights.
  2. It is not allowed to engage in sexually offensive behavior towards other video chat users. This includes:
    • Being in a chat without showing your face but revealing your naked chest.
    • Exposing yourself naked or wearing only underwear during the video chat.
    • Showing your genitals or other intimate body parts to your conversation partners.
    • Touching your genitals or displaying an erect state, even through clothing.
    • Taking any actions in the video chat that may be considered obscene.
    • Requesting or offering virtual sex, as well as coercing others into engaging in virtual sex.
    • Using words or phrases in your conversation that may be considered obscene.
    • Adjusting the camera angle to show your body below the chest.
  3. Displaying irrelevant images instead of your face via your camera is not allowed. This includes:
    • Sharing photos or images that are not your genuine video stream.
    • Displaying text messages through video instead of your face.
    • Sharing content from your device screen or using webcam emulators.
  4. Spamming is strictly prohibited in video chat. The following activities are considered spam and are not allowed:
    • Engaging in any form of promotion, including asking users to vote, take surveys, visit URLs, etc.
    • Sharing any video, text, or image promotional content or advertisements.
    • Sending external URLs to other users during text chat.
    • Sending bulk text messages.
  5. Complaints:
    • If you encounter abusive behavior from another user that violates the video chat rules, you have the option to complain to a moderator. Moderation is available 24/7.
    • Users who receive numerous complaints will be automatically banned from our video chat. To prevent mistaken bans, the system considers multiple factors.